Benjamin - A walnut tree painting
Copy after Eva Gonzales - Morning Awakening - Oil Painting
Copy after Michelangelo - Oil Painting
Creation XIII - Oil Painting
Creation XIV - Oil Painting
Dancers Under a Blue Sky - Oil Painting
Flaming Nature
Geometry of Love - Oil Painting
Holding Back the Sky - Oil Painting
Inner Light IV - Oil Painting
Interwoven - Oil Painting
Leap of Faith - Warm Sky - Small Oil Painting
New Beginnings: A White Rose Painting
Northern Lights II - Oil Painting
Northern Lights II - Small Oil Painting Study
Secret Garden A Pink Rose Painting
Silvery blue - Oil Painting
The Garden - Oil Painting
The Hour - Oil Painting
The Hour II - Oil Painting
Yellow Embrace III - Oil Painting
Yellow Embrace I - Oil Painting
Yellow Embrace II - Oil Painting