10 Month Payment Plan
5 and 10 Month Payment Plans now available!
I am now happy to announce that I am happy to accept payment for my paintings over a five or ten month period. The idea is to make things work both for me the artist, and you the art appreciator. Let's face it nearly all of us struggle with money from time to time. For us artists it's often a case of mini boom and bust cycles. I might have a good month, allowing me to indulge in the purchase of rolls of the finest linen, only to hit a slow month, where a single tube of paint seems beyond me. Likewise, I'm sure many of you would think twice about spending 500 or 1000 Euro on a painting in a single go, whereas maybe a steady 50 or 100 Euro a month, might seem manageable. Anyway, that's the thinking.
If you are interested just email me, or feel free to get in touch by facebook message. See details below. At that point if we agree a payment plan, I can either set up a voucher for you to make your monthly payments here on this website, or I can pass on my bank details if you prefer to do it by bank transfer. Needless to say, from the moment the first payment goes through the painting is marked as Sold or Reserved so no one else can purchase it but you. Any questions just let me know.
All the best,
Vincent Keeling
086-3412331 or from outside of Ireland 353 86 3412331